Solo Fotografias -
He visto cosas que vosotros no creeríais...
atacar naves en llamas más allá de Orión,
he visto rayos c brillar en la oscuridad cerca
de la Puerta de Tannhäuser.
Todos esos momentos se perderán en el tiempo como lágrimas en la lluvia.
Es hora de morir
— Roy Batty (Blade Runner, 1982)
miércoles, abril 19, 2006
De Biescas a Panticosa
De Biescas a Panticosa Es mas facil tapar el sol con un dedo que la verdad con una montaña de mentiras
19 comentarios:
excelente foto...
una verdadera belleza
aunque debiste compartirla con mayor tamaño.
Gracias por los comentarios.
Me alegro de que os gusten.
Aqui las tenenis mucho mas grandes....
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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Estoy muy impresionado con el contenido general del mensaje.
How nice photos! Great effort you have given. Keep going on.
thiswebsite has a useful information for beginners ...
The information provided here is really valuable.thanks for sharing it.
It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative. How to burn 3500 to 4000 calories of stored fat and LOSING UP 1 to 2 POUNDS A DAY....
Very nice photo. Is it HDR ?
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work.
This is pretty well described.Thanks for sharing it.
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Hope that my spanish roommate is comming home really soon because i want to understant your article so bad.
I am so happy for you that you have so many visitors and hope that your next articles will be as great as this one.
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